A Hearing Ear
The Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to
speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakens me morning by morning,
he wakens my ear to hear as the learned. The Lord God has opened my ear.”
Isaiah 50:4,5a
The Father gave the Son the tongue of the learned, which was the ability to deliver
effectively the message of the Kingdom. Jesus was in submission to God’s strategy.
Many said, “No man ever spoke like this man.” Why? He was taught in the morning a
divine message. When he spoke, sustaining words were given to the weary.
“Oh Lord awaken my ear to hear from You a word from Heaven. May I be a taught disciple to speak a word in
season to the weary I encounter. Awaken my ear heavenward to hear and obey this day.”
“Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.” Isaiah 43:18 The people of Israel were
deaf because they would not listen and blind because they wouldn’t see. They were supposed to be God’s
messenger to the nations, but they weren’t listening or looking. The people of Israel were to reflect on the past
with gratitude and encouragement of faith, but move on with a current word from God. They were to speak what
God had given them.
God wants to give us revelation - fresh words of mercies each morning, even this morning. We must be willing to
speak and to do the will of God, even if it includes suffering. May we be even more sensitive to wait upon Him in
these perilous times. Our personal relationship with the Lord must take preeminence over all else. God is
present and wants to sup with us. May we respond to Him as the first act of each day. Then we and the weary
will be strengthened by His present word.
Keep listening,
Pastor Jay T. Francis
“Dear Lord, awaken me with an open understanding of Your will.
Give words of wisdom for me to share with the weary ones.”
Copyright © 2012 Rock Road Chapel, 96 Rock Rd., Berne, NY 12023
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