Copyright © 2012 Rock Road Chapel, 96 Rock Rd., Berne, NY 12023 Rock Road Chapel Ministries is a 501 (c) (3) enity per the Internal Revenue Code of 1954
Enjoying Intimacy With Our Lord We read of and know men and women who obviously enjoy intimacy with Jesus. They are those who take time to cultivate and respond to the Lord’s presence. There is a godly, submitted, and cooperative relationship in their lifestyle. Remember, we too can seek a deeper intimacy with the Lord by setting aside the agenda of this hectic society. We must turn aside from lesser things and focus our attention on His voice and presence. Keep the first commandment first! The Lord appreciates being appreciated. The Lord desires to be wanted. He has much to share with those who appreciate and spend time set aside with Him. May we develop a greater sensitivity to His presence and turn aside from our routine when He beckons. Moses said, “I will turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burned.” Exodus 3:3 “This the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend.” Exodus 33:11 What could be more intimate? Is there a parallel to that in our experience? Intimacy with Jesus is a price worth sacrificing lesser things to attain. May we have that deep desire. A place on Jesus’ breast is awaiting you. Continue to press in to Jesus to know Him more. Remember that we can only bear fruit as we abide in Him. Spirit of Jesus, glorify The Master’s name in me, Whether I live or if I die, Let Christ be exalted in me. - Author unknown Pressing in, Pastor Jay T. Francis