A Definite Step is Demanded “And as he passed by, he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the receipt of custom, and he said unto him, ‘Follow me.’ And he arose and followed him.” Mark 2:14 The call continues to go forth. A response of obedience to Jesus must follow. Often there is a stumbling block of natural reasoning. The very devil lurks nearby, continually posing problems and trying to get us to escape the necessity of obedience. Jesus Christ has authority to call and demand obedience to His Word. The road of faith is none other than obedience to the call of Jesus. Everything depends on the first step. Often the call is void of full disclosure of content, however, God knows what He is doing, even though we do not. Faith means adherence to Christ. A believer is God’s child, who will be protected and provided for. Levi was called out and had to forsake his old life, a complete surrender. He left his earthly security for the absolute security and safety of the fellowship of Jesus! Besides Jesus, nothing has any significance. He alone matters. Peter had to leave the ship in order to learn the almighty power of his Lord. If Peter had not taken the risk, he would never have learned the true meaning of faith. A definite step had to be taken or the call would have vanished into thin air. The road to faith passes though obedience to the Call of Jesus for us also. The situation in which faith is possible is itself only rendered possible through faith. What is YOUR PRESENT SITUATION? Jesus is calling for spontaneous obedience, like when Peter was called to walk on the sea. He had to get up and risk his life. To rely on Christ’s word and cling to it is an offer of greater security than all the securities of the world! A definite step of obedience to the call of Jesus makes short work of barriers. The step into a situation where faith is possible is only an offer Jesus can make. Levi took a definite step of obedience and Matthew became his apostolic name, meaning “gift of God!” Your step of obedience will become the “Gift of God” to the lost. Shalom, Pastor Jay T. Francis
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