Copyright © 2012 Rock Road Chapel, 96 Rock Rd., Berne, NY 12023
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Divine Transformation
“These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.” Acts 17:6b
The good news of the Lord Jesus Christ works great change in a person or a people who receive.
Such a work is possible that it may be said, “These have turned the world upside down.”
Any person the Holy Spirit controls is going to turn the world “upside down.” The gospel will be
preached and modeled with major signs by the power and righteousness of the Holy Spirit. Our task is to be available and
press on as the Spirit directs.
One of the greatest blessings in life is to have the ability to hear and respond to the Lord. A journey together with the Lord
brings great joy and a beautiful outworking that affects those around. There is an experiential side that brings change when
there is a flood of new life within.
Those who are awakened to the glowing love of their Master are quickened. A new breath passes over the valley of the dry
bones and makes them alive. When love to the Lord is awakened it finds channels of ministry.
The church may not be ready for the answer to its own prayers, but the world is! “For the earnest expectation of the creation
eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.” Romans 8:19
The desperate for God shall come forth making visible the life of what God sees them to be. Great change shall come as the
Holy Spirit has complete dominion and transforming access.
May God purify our every motive and subdue every contradiction within us so the world may be turned upright! Those who
rebel will be a traitor to the Lord and the deep need of the world around us.
I believe that a time of refreshing is near. We shall have a fresh loyalty and life in Christ that will disturb the religious, but see
many saved as the result of the Lord having his way in his people.
“Lord, bring us to discipleship, back to the Cross and to bearing it.”
The Gospel fully received works change
Because of Calvary,
Rev. Jay T. Francis