Living Victoriously
To you who are carrying out life’s purposes by the pattern laid out by the life of Jesus, “Do not fear; for you will not be
ashamed.” Isaiah 54:4 Live in the faith and hope established in the person and work of Jesus, who is in our midst. Yes,
great changes are happening in the Middle East and nationally. Listening ears to the Spirit of God are necessary for a
knowledge of what to do or not do. A deep touch from God and an intimate relationship with our Lord frees us from dead
works and religious activities.
God welcomes and desires your involvement in His eternal pursuits and purposes. Press into the Lord and be further
used to make a Kingdom difference in these perilous times.
Seek the Father’s face and be in the banqueting house of His love. “He has put down the mighty from their seats, and
exalted them of low degree.” We, the weak, despised, and lowly are chosen for the Lord’s pleasures. “The secret things
belong to the LORD our God; but those things that are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do
all the words of the law.” Deuteronomy 29:29 The manifestation of the future belongs to God and shall be revealed, but the
will of God that has been revealed brings blessings as we continue to act upon it. Be encouraged, for these are exciting,
prophetic days we live in. These are the days spoken of that would precede the coming of the Lord. God’s grace and
spiritual blessing be upon you.
Because of Calvary,
Pastor Jay T. Francis
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