May 2014
Rise and Shine
“Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. For
behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the LORD will
arise over you. And His glory will be seen upon you.” Isaiah 60:1-2
A corner has been turned. We are truly at the threshold of many “CHANGES” proclaimed
loudly in many arenas, with varied reactions. The poles between right and wrong are being
further divided; the separation of light and darkness throughout the world is more evident in “light of the Word.”
Read, ponder, study, preach this Word. However if we are just hearers and not doers of this word (James 1:22), it profits us, and
others, nothing. It takes exerted effort and determination to Rise Up… from comfort, from a place of preparation and receiving, from
being settled in our agenda, awaiting sometime in the future. It’s now. It’s time to rise from security, and enter into this vital calling.
Through you, Jesus wants to show His love, His light, His hope, and His Truth in the midst of hatred, darkness, despair, and air-filled
Rise = to get up from a lying, sitting, or kneeling posture, to come into existence, to ascend above the horizon,
to prove oneself equal to a demand or emergency, origin or beginning, extension upward.
What has the Lord put within you, within your grasp, within your calling that has been held back? Is there a vision within your
heart? Now is the time to allow Him to bring you out of hiding. Shine in the midst of need. Be a voice, sound the truth, offer a hug so
deeply needed. His Spirit within you will be seen, and will dispel the darkness, now captivating so many. I’m challenged by new steps
before me, the inner and outer opportunities to grow and to help others grow and change the atmosphere.
The scene is being set for many to turn to something bigger than themselves, bigger than government, bigger than personal
dreams. As shakings happen around us, and the Light within us is allowed to shine (Mt. 5:13-16) then ... “The Gentiles shall come to
your light, And kings to brightness of your rising.” (Is. 60:3)
In Him,
Pastor Sharon Carlson
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