Rock Road Chapel, a church with a big welcome, is located in the beautiful
Helderbergs of Albany County,New York. You are personally invited you to
join us for a unique worship experience and welcoming family atmosphere.
At Rock Road Chapel there is a freedom for you to move into the flow
of the Lord’s desires. There is an openness to experience the Lord on
a higher level. May you embrace the Lord and all the change necessary
for a closer intimate relationship with His glorious love.
The secret of a life of power in the Holy Spirit results from a life of intimacy
with Jesus (John 14-16). We firmly embrace the worldview, teachings, and experiences of
Awakening, Revival, and Transformation for today and beyond.
At Rock Road Chapel we believe in healing and deliverance, and in the restoration of all gifts
and offices of the New Testament.
Most will not be reached by programs or debate. A harvest of souls will
be won by the awesome power of God having free access in and through surrendered
believers. May God prepare you as a vessel fit for the Master’s
use to activate what He has already placed inside your heart.
We look forward to serving you and your family.
After spending some time with us we hope you
will become a part of what makes
Rock Road Chapel so very special …
the presence of the Holy Spirit and the wonderful people of God.
Copyright © 2012 Rock Road Chapel, 96 Rock Rd., Berne, NY 12023
Rock Road Chapel Ministries is a 501 (c) (3) enity per the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.