Rock  Road Chapel
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God created us in His own image (Gen. 1:27) to have a loving relationship with Him and to enjoy abundant and everlasting life (Jn. 10:10b). He gave us a will and freedom of choice to accept His gift of love… or not. In our natural tendency we reject God and make the conscious, or subconscious choice to go our own selfish way. The result is separation from God who yearns for our fellowship. In our own attempt we reach up to God through "religion" - man's works. Many feel their "good works" will somehow appease Him. But our good works are as filthy rags (Is. 64:6) and will never save us from sin. YET, our loving God reaches down to us, to lift us up, through "relationship" - God's grace. His grace opens our hearts to KNOW Him and be set free to yield to His guidance for our lives. God Himself has provided the ONLY answer to our dilemma. Jesus Christ paid the penalty for our sin and bridged the gap between God and man. "God wants everyone to be saved and to know the whole truth, which is, there is only one God, and Christ Jesus is the only One (God - the Son) who can bring us to God (the Father)." 1 Tim. 2:5a The gospel (Good News) is quite simple: Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross for us; for the remission of our sins and He rose from the dead. By believing in Him (trusting in Him) we receive forgiveness and He gives us the gift of eternal life. We are made 'right' with God, not because of our good works, but by the precious blood of God's only Son. If you have not already received Jesus Christ into your heart...
TODAY RECEIVE THE GREATEST GIFT Congratulations! If you prayed this prayer from your heart I can assure you that God heard you... and that your  sins are forgiven. You are a child of God, and heir of eternal life.  It is important that you develop your relationship  with God by talking with Him each day (prayer). Speak with Him like a friend...expressing the feelings of our heart.  Read the Bible frequently...Learn what pleases and displeases God. View the Scriptures as 'love letters' ... not only  rules and laws. God knows you and knows what will help or hurt you. Tell others about your new friend, Jesus.  He wants to help them too.  Do good to others... i.e. give to the poor, visit the sick and imprisoned, feed the hungry etc.  Find a good church where the people love God and His Word (the Bible), love each other and reach out to the hurting  people of the world by the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Bible tells us that we should be baptized. We encourage you  to speak to your church leaders or us here at Rock Road Chapel about baptism. Ask God to continually fill you with  His Holy Spirit so that you will have the power to resist sin and live a life pleasing to God. Ask Him for every spiritual  gift that you need to live a godly, fruitful life. Dear Father, forgive me for my sins. With your help, I choose to turn away from them. (take a moment and confess any sins that come to mind).  Thank You for sending your Son, Jesus.   I believe that He died on the Cross for my sins and rose from the dead.  Jesus, I invite You into my life. I  choose this day to trust my life to You and to follow You as my Savior and Lord.  Fill me with Your Holy Spirit  and help me to love and serve You with all of my heart.   In Jesus' Name, Amen (so let it be)! The GREATEST GIFT for your GREATEST NEED
1.   Come humbly to Him ... just as you are.   2.   Admit your need, "I am a sinner and need forgiveness"  and be willing to turn from sin (repent)  changing your direction to follow Jesus. 'Sins' are the things that you do or say that offend God  and other people....lying, stealing, sexual sins, unforgiveness, occult activities,, drunkenness, anger,  violence, judgmental words or attitudes, rebellion, selfishness, pride etc. God will judge sin. There is a  hell. God is merciful, but He is also holy, righteous and just.  3.   Believe that Jesus Christ died for YOU on the Cross and rose from the grave. Thank God for  sending His only son, Jesus. He suffered and shed His blood so that you would not have to pay the  penalty for your sins. Jesus is now alive and wants to actively move to bless your life.  4.   Invite Jesus to come into your life.. Surrender yourself to Him...He loves you. Let Him be your  boss. He will never hurt you. Trust Him with everything..... all of your problems, your pain, your  desires. Will you do this now? If not now, when? Don't put Him off.  Pray something like this:
Copyright © 2012 Rock Road Chapel, 96 Rock Rd., Berne, NY 12023 Rock Road Chapel Ministries is a 501 (c) (3) enity per the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.