Copyright © 2012 Rock Road Chapel, 96 Rock Rd., Berne, NY 12023
Rock Road Chapel Ministries is a 501 (c) (3) enity per the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain and when He was seated
His disciples came to Him. Then He opened His mouth and taught them…”
Matthew 5:1-2
The Lord calls us to come up the mountain, to sit before Him, and hear Him. It’s in this process by which
we grow in the Lord and are equipped by the Holy Spirit, who resides in our hearts, to overcome the
pressures and trials of this present life, and become more and more like Jesus (Rom. 8:29). By
responding to the Holy Spirit’s promptings we examine our thoughts, words and actions and compare
them with the Word of God. John 15 tells us that we become fruitful only as we abide in Him and His
Word abides in us through studying, praying, and obeying. We, as His disciples, are to arise and shine as
a yielded witness of His love, mercy, and glory (Is.60:1).
“Teach me, O Lord, to follow your decrees; then I will keep them to the end.”
Ps. 119:33
Coming together to “dig into God’s Word”.
Sunday School ~
Solid Rocks (Adult Class) – meeting in the Adult Gathering Room from 9:00-9:50 a.m.
Timely topics taught by appointed seasoned teachers... as announced
Children Discipleship – Children are dismissed during the service to go to age-appropriate
discipleship Bible classes. The focus is on knowing the Lord, loving Him, and being a
witness to friends and family.
Toddler-Kindergarten - taught by Evie Krimsky. Picture books and videos available in
the nursery
Early Elementary (3-4 year olds) - taught by Evie Krimsky
Upper Elementary (5-9 year olds) - Barb Griffin main teacher
Middle School (10-12 year olds) - Barb Griffin, main teacher
Firm Foundations ~ New Believers Classes are held as announced.
Cornerstones ~ For all interested in ministry service at Rock Road Chapel classes are
held as announced to share history, vision, opportunities, giftings and stewardship.
Stepping Stones ~ Ministry “Equipping Series” topics are covered on Wednesdays 7 p.m.
the sanctuary including Bible studies, discussions, exhortation, and ministry activation.
VBS ~ (Pre-K to Early Elementary) - Barb Griffin, main teacher
“… I will not neglect Your Word.” (Ps. 119:16b)
A variety of discipleship trainings are held during the year for children, teens, and adults.
For more information and to be a part of Disciples Arise see Evie Krimsky.