At Rock Road Chapel, what will I experience?
Encouraging friendly people, from all walks of life
Practical answers from God’s Word for Life’s personal questions
Modern, uplifting music and freedom to worship
Hope and purpose for your future
A place to serve and be served
Most importantly, it is our hope that you experience the love of God
What time are your services?
Our Sunday morning service time begins at 10:00 am. Stepping Stones Equipping Series focusing
on discipleship, leadership, and ministry training topics are held Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m.
Interested in knowing about other weekly gathering times?
Where are you located?
Berne is situated in the beautiful and peaceful Helderberg Mountains just ½ hour from New York's Capital. Rock Road Chapel is
a “set apart” place for the presence of the Lord and His people, coming from near and far, to gather. Need directions?
What should I wear?
The dress is casual, so come comfortable.
We care most about you and what is happening in your heart.
What are your services like?
Rock Road Chapel’s service focuses on worship and the Word.
We’ll share some announcements, have a children’s gathering time, and times of prayer for specific and personal needs.
A prophetic artist, from the congregation, often draws at an easel during the message.
Communion is celebrated the first and third Sundays for those who have received the Lord by faith.
The altar is always available to seek the Lord and often many stay after the service to spend quality time with the Lord.
How long are your services?
The service lasts a couple of hours. All are welcomed to stay for lunch, Fellowship Feast, after the gathering in the Chapel Café.
Will I have to say anything, sign anything, or be singled out?
Rest assured, you will not be put on the spot. We do offer Welcome Cards at the front door and by the greeters that provide some
basic information for visitors. We encourage you to put in the offering or give to a leader, if you prefer.
Will I be expected to give?
Tithes and offerings are received without obligation.
What is offered for my children?
During the service there is a Children’s message. Children are encouraged to freely worship, pray, and participate in the service as
comfortable. Sunday School is offered for all children aged 3 to 12. Interested in detailed information? Teens remain in the
sanctuary, and are further encouraged to participate in Ignited Youth on Friday nights. A “Precious Pebbles” nursery and a nursing
mothers room is available for parents to bring toddlers and infants.
Does Rock Road Chapel meet any needs in the Community?
Our congregation seeks to Love God and Love Others. Wednesday morning our chapel café is open for Café on the Corner, serving a
free community breakfast. Several times a week The Community Storehouse provides food, and personal items to those in need.
Clothing and furniture is available through Martha’s Boutique Ministry. See the Go Forth Ministry for more details.
Helps ministry teams provides practical service and care. Rock Road Chapel is a Red Cross emergency shelter, if the need arises.
The church works closely with the BKW School, and as a facility hosts annual day-away student field trips.
Beyond our local community, RRC is interwoven with International Accelerated Missions, a ministry meeting discipleship, outreach,
and humanitarian needs in our region, country, and throughout the world.
What other events are held at the Church?
Annual IAM Conference Gatherings are held in the Spring with passionate worship and relevant messages by prominent speakers in
the Body of Christ. Many gatherings, conferences, and special performances are held throughout the year for the Body of Christ
and the community at large.
Copyright © 2012 Rock Road Chapel, 96 Rock Rd., Berne, NY 12023
Rock Road Chapel Ministries is a 501 (c) (3) enity per the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.